Announcements, New Books, Paranormal Romance, timeless, wip

Update: Pharaoh’s Kiss release, Upcoming Holiday Short, and Current WIPs

Hey there everyone, I have a lot to go over today. Some very exciting stuff is happening, stuff I can't wait for you all to see. So let's get to it, shall we? Pharaoh's Kiss (Timeless #2) Release The release date for Pharaoh's Kiss is coming up very soon. So mark your calendars for August… Continue reading Update: Pharaoh’s Kiss release, Upcoming Holiday Short, and Current WIPs

Announcements, timeless

Blurb and Excerpt for Pharaoh’s Kiss (Timeless Book #2)

Blurb: Daniel’s world has been shaken to its core. His ex-boyfriend Marcus, whom he still loves, has returned from an unbelievable trip through a time traveling cave and brought along a hot new caveman lover, Jade. But that isn’t all. After realizing his mother disappeared through the same cave years earlier, Daniel learns he and… Continue reading Blurb and Excerpt for Pharaoh’s Kiss (Timeless Book #2)

Announcements, Cover Reveal, timeless, Uncategorized

Cover Reveal: Pharaoh’s Kiss (Timeless #2)

So here we are again, another exciting cover reveal for one of my republished shorts. Pharaoh's Kiss is the second in my Timeless series, this time focusing on Marcus's ex Daniel as he finds himself trapped in Ancient Egypt. Though he finds passion that he never thought possible, he also unearths some truths that affect… Continue reading Cover Reveal: Pharaoh’s Kiss (Timeless #2)